It was 19th of March 2016 at Ton Ton's "Thanksgiving Party" that we first met you. All of us were actually quite timid to approach you (a typical reaction of seeing a person for the first time) because we do not actually know how to carry a conversation with you probably because we are so much conscious of our English (nosebleeding syndrome). But luckily, we survived to commune with you. Knowing you, we discovered that you are indeed a very "cool" person. You can get along with us easily, without shyness and so friendship was built.

Your stay here in the Philippines is just limited and we pretty understand on that moment that sooner or later, you will go back home. But through those times, we have shared the kind of friendship that seems we are friends for a long time even before we met. And now, you are absolutely part of the Family, the Gorgeous-Force (G-Force) Family. Your time spent with us are full of fun, smiles, laughters, happiness and nothing but merely enjoyment all day long. No one can stole that moment from us.
Remember the time that we had the "Spin-the-Bottle" activity, that was indeed a blast! Our encounter with you heightened and deepened as each of us discover our individual differences and struggles through that "memorable" game.
Remember your
Cake with us and the native bracelet as remembrance
Card of gratitude from us...
Happy Birthday, Tetet! Bro, hope there are more memories of you to tell, together with us. Wishing you the happiness this world could ever give, good health and long life to live. Eventhough you are far yet we are just so near. We love you, Bro! Happy Birthday! :-)

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